qiology: foundations

- the yang channels (50hrs)

a different way

throw yourself into the practice and theory of long-term health, of illness prevention, of chronic wellness (not of chronic sickness).

the chinese medicine yangsheng (yangsheng 養生) approach is old. we will understand through the lens of modern science whilst keeping our focus on what this approach is all about - qi. 

learn what Qi really is, how and where it flows in your own body and mind through applied yin, fascial release, through diet and the science of moderation. 

learn it yourself. and learn to offer it to your students.

in our modern world, too often we look to drugs and surgery to fix our broken bodies. this course provides a different way. your body is, if you will work with it, intelligent so to optimize itself... you just have to let it heal...not get in its way.

program prerequisite


this program is not entry-level. it requires a fundamental understanding of yin yoga, channel concepts and the theory of exercise. these are all offered. in our 200hr yin yoga & variable anatomy program.


you must have completed our 200hr yin yoga & variable anatomy program (or similar to attend this course). if in doubt, please contact us

what you get

  • one year access to the course, including:
    • PREP: course reading list
    • LEARN: on demand lectures
    • PRACTICE: on demand practices
    • STUDY: a large manual & all presentation slides
    • WITH ME & OUR COMMUNITY: one year's access to weekly practices and Q&A sessions with myself and your fellow students
one payment




- Receive a full 50hrs of YA Accreditation either as part of our 300hr program, or as a part of your continuing education credits.

Dhugal Time 


It is not just an online course. Have me be your accountability mentor as you move through this course. Practice with me once a week for a year and ask me questions (for a whole year!).

Iterative Learning, New But Old

The practices we learn are a new take on time-old practices of fascial health, Qi flow & mental and emotional steadfastness.

one payment



NOTE: This program is one half of a two-part series.

This program is foundational. It introduces concepts and the Yang Channels. The other half (Qiology: Yin Channels) focuses on the more complex Yin Channels and more.

There is no better time to find health in our lives. The YangSheng approach to health is often dismissed or mystified...What we will learn here is a part of the 3-pillar approach to long-term health outlined in the classics of Chinese Medicine, overlooked by modern people:

 Jing (physical health),
 Qi (emotional, energetic health), &
 Shen (Psychological, spiritual health).

We cover Shen & Jing overwhelmingly in our 200hr and Meditate Modules. This program is all about Qi.

Qi theory proposes we can learn simple principles of prevention of pain and resolution of pain by ameliorating Qi flow. This means looking in detail at the physiology (structures of) and pathology (sickness) of the six layers of the body. This program is in no way is a rejection of allopathic, mainstream medicine which has a huge place in our lives. It is simply a reframing of its place in our lives. We will  consider the role of common easy fixes (like painkillers, which though they have their place are not long term fixes) and alternatives. This course offers life skills designed to give you physical healing and a slower, longer term view to wellness.

We practice ten times. These are Myofascial (Trigger Point) Release practices which combine targeted channel (or meridian) stimulation with Yin poses. 

Wondering exactly what is taught in our 10-module, 50hr program? Here's the curriculum*:

In Short:

  • Qi Theory

  • Yang Jing Luo (Channel) Theory

  • Yin & Yang of Food, Diet & Fasting

  • Myofascial Release x Yin Yoga

  • Physiology (Health) and Pathology (Sickness) of the The Yang Meridians

  • Anatomy of the Hand - Bones & Muscles, Variation & Channel Landscape

  • Yang Channel Palpation

The Long Version:

Module 1:
PRACTICE: Principles of Acupressure 1
THEORY: Fascia & Fascia Release
THEORY: What is Qi?

Module 2:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Acupressure 2
THEORY: The Theory of Channels
THEORY: Trigger Point Theory

PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Acupressure 3
THEORY: Channel Sickness
THEORY: Nutrition 101

Module 4:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Acupressure 4
THEORY: The TaiYang Channel

Module 5:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 5
THEORY: Food as Medicine
THEORY: The Substances of the Body

Module 6:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 6
THEORY: The ShaoYang Channel

Module 7:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 7
THEORY: Introduction to 5 Element Theory

Module 8:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 8
THEORY: The Hand & Arm Channels

Module 9:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 9
THEORY: The YangMing Channel

Module 10:
PRACTICE: MFR/Yin w. Yin Acupressure 10
THEORY: Chinese Medicine Nutrition

one payment

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat


Each session you attend grows your knowledge.

Our program is iterative and cumulative, slowly building knowledge and skill. At first, it will seem beyond strange, not fitting in our modern alopathic model of health, oddly foreign. But as time passes this will change as you begin to feel Qi in your body and experience how this affects the totality of you.

Learn the Modern Way

There are many ways of approaching this subject. They are all great. We will focus on the science of Chinese Medicine...this speaks to us modern people most. We have made much progress in the last 20 years in understanding why this approach to health works.

But modern science (fortunately or unfortunately) doesn't know it all. We must (fairly regularly) just abandon rationality to the pure poetry of this system. Life after all is not an Excel spreadsheet.

Go Deep. Not Broad.


Each practice will build on the experience of the last. What at first seems either impossible to understand will, as you ease into it, become familiar, even comfortable.

With deepening study, you will see that the secret to good health is surprisingly simple and elegant.

What Students Say

Bob - UK

"I do like your teaching style.  These are not just sweet words. You have a good combination of intensity in your delivery, interest in engaging all of your students... and a slightly self effacing humour."

Yves - Thailand


"I didn't think I would like online learning. But I have just finished our morning session and surprisingly I found out that I’ve missed some important points! So I am listening again...wonderful!"

Tessa - UK


" You make learning fun. You make it calm and collective. I never feel anxious or silly for asking questions and you invite a vulnerability to people that makes them more open to learning and seeing things from a different point of view by explaining them in ways we would understand."

Wendy - Australia

"What keeps me coming back is the quality of the class content. It is top quality and not airy fairy whimsical stuff."